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Treemap Business Data Visualization for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1

Microsoft Business Solutions  
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The Treemap Business Data Visualization for Microsoft Dynamics® NAV provides a unique view on business data. It can provide insight from different data perspectives and can be used to help identify outliers and actionable items. Combined with histogram-based visual filtering and integration into business logic and the user interface (UI) of the RoleTailored client, this is a powerful tool for end users.

The Partner Community Edition release provides the Treemap visualization as a RoleTailored client control add-in for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1. It includes a server-side object, a codeunit for data processing, and a sample page. The sample uses the Treemap visualization control in a Treemap analysis place for customers. This place is a sample for how you can integrate the visualization into other application scenarios.

You can use the Partner Community Edition of the Treemap Business Data Visualization for Microsoft Dynamics NAV to integrate the visualization into customer projects and your add-on solutions with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1. No dedicated granule is required. For details on the terms of the license, see the Software License Terms - Treemap Business Data Visualization.rtf file.

The Partner Community Edition of the Treemap Business Data Visualization for Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an unsupported release. You can see the Microsoft Dynamics NAV team blog or the dedicated add-in blog. We cannot provide assistance on specific issues with implementing Treemap visualizations in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but your suggestions may be used to help drive improvements and provide additional information.
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