Commercial Demos

NavObjectEditor v1.4.0

tegos GmbH Dortmund  
Commercial Demos
First release
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NavObjectEditor is a tool for communicating with Microsoft Dynamics Navision. It exports Navision objects to text files and shows all objects in Navision Grids. NavObjectEditor supports up to four parallel connections to Microsoft Dynamics Navision. Any Navision Grid can connect to exported Navision text files or directly to open Navision clients. This simplifies comparing/merging Navision objects from different databases. NavObjectEditor supports Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS). Any Navision Grid that is connected to an open Navision client can connect to a TFS Project. The NavObjectEditor supports Merging and Branching to work on different Version-, Bugfix- , Hotfix-Branches. The TFS functions Add,Remove,CheckIn and CheckOut can be used from the NavObjectEditor. All TFS functions described can be commented on or assigned to WorkItems. The NavObjectEditor supports different analyzing features to found TableRelation Errors, RunObject Errors, LookupFormID Errors and so on which dont be thrown after compile the NavObject in the Object Designer.

Complete Changelog list:



1.4.0. (2011-10-07)
- Evaluation Time is resetted. If your evaluation is exceeded you can test the NavObjectEditor again with this version.
- Prepared for NAV 7 Pre-Release.
- FIX: Minor update bug.
- FIX: Creation of files different from the settings folder.
- FIX: Changes to the temporary path in the settings, restarts the application.
- Update routines improved.
- Fix: Checking of compiled objects skipped when the object will be deleted from the TFS.

1.3.0. (2011-07-31)
. The Navision Grid updates all visible rows automatically.
. There are now 2 TFS technique that the NavObjectEditor is supporting.
. Direct Checkin when the "Multiple Checkout" setting is disabled on the Team Project.
. Working with Pending Changes when the "Multiple Checkout" setting is enabled on the Team Project. Supports Merging and parallel working with different Team Member on one Object.
. Shows the CheckedOutBy for both techniques.
. TFS Branching Dialog: All branches now available for Merge. That offers the Baseless Merge on Branches that have no relationship to other Branches.
. NavObjectEditor works now correctly with SQL Clients, Native Clients and Text files.
. German localization added.
. Navision Connection Dialog opens now when any client has a long running operation executed.
. New Setting TFS Solve Conflicts Internal. The NavObjectEditor give you the opinion to solve conflicts with the TFS Editor or the configured Merge Tool in the NavObjectEditor. Be aware when you use the TFS Merge tool there can be a problem with special characters.
. Different Navision Databases can connect to the same TFS Project on different branches.
. All announced crashes fixed and improved exception handling added.
. The workspace mapping to the TFS Project improved.
. Any Navision Grid that is connected to a Navision Client can connect to the same TFS Project but only on a different branch.
. The last Working Branch will be saved and open after reconnect.
. After connect to a TFS Project a Branch dialog opens where you can select the branch on which you will be work.
. HINT: Don't use the R2 Version Build 32012 with NavObjectEditor. The client could crash with this Navision version.

1.2.7 (2011-07-13)
. Fix Button Label for "Work on Label" in History Dialog
. New Feature "AutoUpdateView" in the Settings Dialog. The Navision Grid updates all visible NavObjects automatically after change a selected cell. This Feature is not working when a filter is active.
. TFS Function Add, Remove, Undo, Check-In, Create Branch, Delete Branch works now correctly for the selection. There was a minor bug.
. TFS Branching and Merging: Prevent deletion of MAIN Branch.
. TFS Branching and Merging: Set Working Branch to MAIN Branch when the actual Branch was deleted.
. TFS performance improved.
. Many minor handling improvement
. Loading performance improved from the client.

1.2.6 (2011-07-10)
. Some operations with an Navision Text File optimized.
. Navision Menu bug solved. The Bug occurs when the selection type is different as the actual loaded type in the Navision Grid.
. Handling to some functions optimized

. Multi-Threading improvement
. Code optimizations
. Exception Handling optimized
. Update Process Bug with CAB error solved

1.2.3 (2011-07-08)
. Security Message before start a TFS Merge
. TFS Update Function improved.

1.2.2 (2011-07-08)
. Function "TFS Merge" checks for locked items by other users on target Branch.
. Function "TFS Update" gets the lock status by other user.
. Automatic disable the TFS Project Settings for multiple checkout when the connected user has permissions. Otherwise the connection is not allowed.

1.2.1 (2011-07-07)
. Mark Unequal works correctly.

1.2.0 (2011-07-07)
. Major Bug Fix. Native Client supported again.
. Major Bug Fix. Loading of Navision Object Text Files supported again.
. Threading bug fix after reconnect the same client.
. New TFS Status Info Bar under the Navision Grid. Only visible when a connection is established to the TFS
. Add New Feature TFS Branching and Merging
. Add New Feature to set the Work folder to different Branch.
. Add New Feature to create or remove a Branch directly through the NavObjectEditor
. Directly resolve conflicts of Merging a Branch.
. Performance improvements with Multiprocessor usage for TFS Functions and Analysing
. Some minor Bug fix
. Code improvements
. Exception handling to the TFS improved.
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