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RTC AddIn DragNDrop
- Author
- Christian Wagner
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 02/04/2012
- Size
- 101,23 KB
- Downloads
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- 30 day downloads 11
- Total downloads 1871
- Overall download rank #542 / 2083
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- Total views 5929
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- Downloaded 7 times in the last two weeks
This Control AddIn gives you the possibility to do DragNDrop to the control. The function copies the document to a give share. It is also possible to drop an Outlook Message to the control. The MSG will be stored on the share as well.
Installation Instructions:
- Copy the .DLL-File to the AddIn-Directory (e. g. C:\Program File\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins)
- Insert a new Record to Table 2000000069 "Client Add-in" with the following values:
"Control Add-in Name": W-Softs.NotificationIconDragNDropWithValue
"Public Key Token": 48f3911b65e24838
"Description": DragNDropControl
- Assign the Control AddIn to the respective Fields on a Card-Type Page.
- The Style has to be set to "Attention"
- StyleExpr has to be set to "styleActive"
Installation Instructions:
- Copy the .DLL-File to the AddIn-Directory (e. g. C:\Program File\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins)
- Insert a new Record to Table 2000000069 "Client Add-in" with the following values:
"Control Add-in Name": W-Softs.NotificationIconDragNDropWithValue
"Public Key Token": 48f3911b65e24838
"Description": DragNDropControl
- Assign the Control AddIn to the respective Fields on a Card-Type Page.
- The Style has to be set to "Attention"
- StyleExpr has to be set to "styleActive"