Generic Web Services Client (v2) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Vjekoslav Babic
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This simple codeunit allows you to consume any NAV page web service from C/AL without having to write any wrapper classes in .NET, or deploy any external dependencies. The only thing you need to have is the URL to the page web service.
Update October 08, 2012
There are two files inside: one for NAV 2009 and one for 2013. I haven't fully tested the NAV 2009 version. It is a bit different because of differences between the .NET interoperability implementation in NAV, and the limitations of NAV 2009. I am not going to maintain the NAV 2009 version, and it is here just as an example of how to address the limitations, such as the lack of the GETDOTNETTYPE and the fact that simple data types translate directly to C/AL types.
To run the NAV 2009 version correctly, you need the latest hotfix for NAV 2009.