General downloads
NAV Add-In Editor
- Author
- tegos GmbH Dortmund (bkonsemueller)
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 26/04/2016
- Size
- 3,4 MB
- Tags
- nav2016
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 8
- Total downloads 1064
- Overall download rank #1345 / 2083
- Today page views 1
- 30 days page views 9
- Total views 2742
- Popularity
- Downloaded 1 time in the last two weeks
You can easily edit your javascript Add-Ins in a modern editor.
It will decrease the time you are working on the javascript files by a lot since you don't have to zip your files and upload them manually via the RTC anymore.
The program will connect directly to the SQL database and will handle everything else automatically.
Supported & tested versions: NAV 2015, NAV 2016