
NAVHR - Human Resources Management Solution by Arquiconsult

The complete Human Resources Solution on Microsoft Dynamics NAV

NAVHR - Payroll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nowadays, companies added values are not simply evaluated by the Good-will they represent or the Cash-Flow they generate in the end of each fiscal period but moreover by the existing Know-how in each of the companies in terms of Human Resources. Key benefits: • Centralized employee data; • Record Data Management (Personal, Identification, Fiscal, Social Security, Addresses and Family Data); • Employee modifications history, enabling the view of employee data regarding previous periods; • Employee contracts control in terms of their duration, trial periods and notice dates, with centralized reports of the due contracts in order to enable the starting process towards the contract renewal or redundancy of the employees involved. • Configuration of different kinds of work schedules with the validation of the Normal Work Periods; • Absence Insertion and Control with immediate reflex on the payroll; • Assiduity Balance Management as in Vacation or Complementary Rest; • Diversity on the Calculus of Remunerations, supported by a widely customisable structure; • Redundancy Automatic Calculus; • Extra Payroll Enabled for eventual autonomous payments (in different periods from the Normal Payroll) of Holliday and Christmas Bonus or Commissions, for instance; • Employee Costs Distribution for various departments, with more than one level of analysis; • General Ledger Automatic Integration of the Payroll Data; • Generation of several reports and data files: Holidays Report; Payroll Banking Transfer File; Social Security; Union Fees; Insurance Reports; • Generation of Official Reports (like HR Balances, Overtime Report and the Annual Revenue Tax file according to the Treasury required format). NAVHR - Timesheet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ideal for services organizations guided by projects or when occurs frequently internal interventions of one resource department on another department. In this situations, it’s imperative to impute to the co-workers times to the projects and correct departments, in a way that couldn’t generate any distortions to the company’s costs structure. NavHR, with Timesheet granule, gives the answer for that need. Key Benefits: • Presentation of a matrix calendar • Justification of work times • Integration with the Human Resource module • Integration with the Project and Resource modules • Changes Control • Worflow of approval hours Presentation of a matrix calendar Instead of see each times registry as one more line in a table, each resource is associated to a dynamic matrix and without limits, with each column corresponding to one day. The information is showed in a more pleasant and immediately way, by tacking advantage of all the technical potentialities of the MBS Navision ERP. Justification of work time In NavHR Timesheet it’s possible to register absences and presences and associate them to the departments and projects that they are linked to. Integration with the Human Resource module Because absences and presences can influence remunerations, this records have impact over the Human Resources area, they are subjected to previous validations to prevent eventually errors. Because co-workers are value resources, this granule has integration with the Resource module, complementing with the integration of Projects so that the posted information have impact in the resource affectation of the same project and that it can do an precise analysis of the costs and benefits of each Project. Changes Control It’s essential that in the management of the organization all the changes are posted with the reference of the user, date and time. Worflow of approval hours Possibility to validate the hour record, in an operational level, hierarchy responsible as in a Human Resource level. The posted times only are effectively integrated after the process verification. NAVHR - Recruitment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By using this granule, it is possible to manage the company’s job applications and automate the candidates registry, in a quantitive way that allows the selection of the most fit candidate to each job. Key benefits: • Centralization of the candidates data; • Management of the candidate’s record data, like personal data, VAT number, candidates identifications, qualifications and professional experience; • Job applications and interviews per candidate history; • Candidates documentation association (CV and application letter), applications and recruitment processes (job application advertisements) with the possibility of viewing it online; • Spontaneous applications registry; • User-friendly candidates’ data insertion process by using a Wizard; • Possibility of setting up questionnaire groups with values and predefined weights according to the position for which the candidate runs; • Recruiting processes management and interview scheduling; • Customisation of different methods of calculating the result of the applications; • Automatic selection of the fittest candidates; • Integration with the human resources granule (payroll) in the candidate signing by automatically transferring the most relevant data in the candidate’s card to the new employee card; Centralization of the Candidates data Human Resources users have the possibility of inserting, viewing, modifying or eliminating new Candidates records in a safe and user-friendly way since all the candidates’ data are located in the main card. Applications history Every time there is a new application or interview of the same candidate, the previous record referring to these two variables will be recorded in a computerised fashion, enabling users to view the history of the candidates’ interviews and applications on-line, as well as the recovery of the original candidate’s record data in case of a new application. User-friendly candidates’ data insertion By using a Wizard with the obligation to fill in several fields in a structured way it is assured the correct filling of the fields and that the process is done of one single way. Questionnaires, weights and scores Possibility of setting up questionnaires and codifying answers (by using scales) with different scores for each question according to the function related to the recruitment process. Candidates Automatic Selection Possibility of sorting the most qualified candidates according to the criteria required by the company and the existing data in terms of application and interviews. NAVHR - Training -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now NavHR has a granule which enables a deep characterization of your employees training, as well as the undergoing training process, by complying with the legal requisites of the Law, especially interesting to the companies that supply services in this area. Key Benefits: • Deep Characterization of the companies’ courses and trainings, either internal or targeting outside entities; • Control of the legal requisites related to training; • Human Resources qualifications management achieved by training; • Total ERP integration; • Training cost and earning control; • Training resources allocation efficiency; • Total training invoicing control; • Training planning, including the characterization of the company’s training needs; • Training evaluation with statistics; • Training budgets. Courses and training characterization The company has the possibility of characterizing courses and trainings in terms of schedules, numerus clausus, costs and earnings, involved resources and reference intervals in classifications and skills. Legal requisites Compliance with the legal requisites imposed by the Law no. 99/2003 of 27/08, mainly in what concerns training credits control, statistics, planning and training evaluation. Qualification management Possibility of viewing all qualifications acquired by the employees, with reference to courses and training entities, as well as the achieved classifications. Possibility of defining pre-requisites of the trainees for attending courses, as well as the expiration dates for training that always justify refreshing courses. Costs and earnings control ERP integration enables functionalities that allow accurate analysis of the costs and earnings involved on each training or group of trainings. Resource allocation efficiency Characterization and association of all the necessary resources to the completion of a course with the possibility of controlling the resources involved in competing trainings. Invoice control Using ERP functionalities allows real-time invoicing of the courses and trainings, either being the invoicing by training or by trainee. Planning Possibility of planning trainings according to the company resources needs. Training Evaluation Computer record of the trainees and trainer satisfaction level. Statistics of training data and qualification generation according to the achieved classifications. Training Budgets Forecast control of courses and trainings. NAVHR - Performance Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance evaluation is an important management tool that, by evaluating the Human Resources of an organization, enables the detection of eventual satisfaction (or not) factors, the training needs and requalification opportunities, the correction of certain situations before they effectively become problems and, in general, to improve the performance of people and the whole organization. By using this granule it is possible to characterize the company’s performance evaluation processes, being that an 180º or 360º evaluation. Key benefits: • Centralization and computerization of the performance evaluation processes; • Previous evaluation processes history; • Customisation of questionnaires and attribution of different weighing factors according to the evaluated function; • Possibility of associating several evaluation interviews to each employee, enabling the attribution of different weights to each one; • Support statistics; • Integrated with the training needs and the qualifications. • Possibility of attributing bonuses and compensations related to the evaluation process; Centralization and computerization of the processes Instead of using paper or Excel worksheets, the NavHR Performance Evaluation solution allows the characterization and quantification of the performance evaluation processes in your organization without losing information and with all the data in the computer. Processes history The conclusion of a process does not invalidate its future view. Questionnaire customisation Instead of predefined questionnaires with a low customisation this application enables the creation of tailoring questionnaires to which can be attributed different weight scales that allow the quantification of the parameters in analysis. Evaluation interviews association With this system it can be associated as much interviews per employee as needed, which allows the characterization of 180º and 360º evaluation processes. Training needs and qualifications integration Performance evaluation is a process that does not end in itself. It is possible to link the performance evaluation process to the training needs since it is more likely to detect flaws in this matter during the evaluations. On the other hand, a good evaluation can also mean the achievement of a qualification (for instance, an evaluation process that enables the recognition of leadership qualities may contribute to the achievement of a skill by an employee that otherwise would not be attributed to him/her.