Exigy Ltd.

Exigy Contributes Expertise at Microsoft Development Days 2009

Exigy was invited to contribute its knowledge and expertise during Microsoft Development Days 2009.

Microsoft DevDays 2009, which was organised in Malta on Friday the 20th of March at Hilton, Portomaso, is an annual initiative targeted at all developers, architects and other IT specialists that would like to broaden their knowledge on the Microsoft development platform. During the day, a holistic overview of the technologies, products and approaches was provided, with presentations on: » Products such as .NET Framework, Silverlight, Internet Explorer 8, Windows Vista, Windows Mobile and Visual Studio » Key functionalities such as Windows Server, Biztalk Server and SharePoint Server » Architecture concepts such as S+S and SOA As a leading Microsoft software solutions provider within the local scenario, Exigy was invited to contribute its knowledge and expertise during this conference. Representatives from the company’s Enterprise Solutions Department delivered presentations on Microsoft Enterprise Library Application Blocks. During the course of the introductory presentation, application blocks libraries were identified as solutions that, based on best practice design, help users address their most common and repetitive development needs. The arguments presented in this introductory speech were further explained in more technical demonstrations of the validation, caching and logging application blocks. The benefits from each application block were presented and further sustained through demos. The validation application block enables separation of the validation logic from the core business logic by providing a set of classes to enable validation over .NET data types. The caching application block enhances the applications’ capabilities to survive system failures and improve performance by storing relevant data as close as possible to the data customer. The logging application block facilitates the population of a log message, tracing activities and enables configuration from a central location. Interested to learn more on our contribution at Microsoft DevDays 2009? Send us an email on info@exigy.com or contact us on (+356) 2010 7171 to request any further information.