Sana Commerce

It’s here: Sana Mobile Sales Assistant 2.0

We are happy to announce Sana Mobile Sales Assistant 2.0 – the latest version of our field sales app which connects seamlessly with Sana Commerce, the integrated e-Commerce platform for Microsoft Dynamics® NAV and AX. Continuous product development resulted in a comprehensive new release which takes into account the most important requests we got implementing the first version of the app.

The key features of Sana Mobile Sales Assistant 2.0 include: Multi-platform support: available in the app stores of iOS, Android and Windows Phone New user interface, supporting tablets and smart phones Fully customizable through Sana’s SDK Real-time integration with Dynamics NAV and AX Easy content management and product enrichment Works online as well as offline iOS, Android and Windows Phone The Sana Mobile Sales Assistant 2.0 will now be available through the app stores of iOS, Android and Windows Phone. This delivers full mobile freedom, no matter what device is used. Contrary to web apps, which are basically mobile web sites running in browsers, the Sana app is native for each system, which ensures it complies to quality requirements and high level user experience. Next to that, it also enables close hardware interaction with e.g. built-in cameras and the GPS system. Our SDK partners will benefit from this since it allows the creation of high quality apps and therefore better fit with business needs. Multi-device New is the support of both tablets and smart phones. The completely new GUI resembles latest insights for mobile usability. Thanks to this adaptive way of rendering, the app perfectly suits the needs of having the same functionality, optimally presented whether you use a table or smart phone, either in landscape or portrait. Software Development Kit (SDK) Full flexibility was already key in Sana’s SDK, providing the possibility to tune every web store to a customer fitted, online market place. This SDK, for which our SDK partners are specifically trained and certificated, is now available to customize the Sana Mobile Sales Assistant app as well. As a result, smaller but also big changes can be easily implemented per customer, without the worries of distribution or deployment. Our hybrid app takes care of flawless operation, combining the customer specific features with optimal device interaction. Good foundations What remains with this release are the good foundations: the reliable real-time integration with Dynamics NAV and AX. Using the Dynamics business logic, we ensure instant processing of orders, accurate (pending) order history, outstanding amounts and stock information. Customer specific prices, ordering lists and assortment, as managed and maintained in Dynamics, are integrally available, enriched through Sana’s outstanding content management, wherever and whenever you want. The Release Candidate of Sana Mobile Sales Assistant 2.0 will be shown at Directions 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona from 27-30 October. The official release of the Sana Mobile Sales Assistant app 2.0 will be in week 51, 2012. Partners may login to the Sana Community portal to get a full overview of features, functionalities and fixes. For more information about Sana Software, please contact Bram Streefkerk: +31 10 243 60 30 or, or visit