General downloads
- Author
- Yaroslav Gaponov
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 30/04/2009
- Size
- 94,42 KB
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 3
- Total downloads 1975
- Overall download rank #497 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 0
- Total views 5867
- Popularity
- Downloaded 1 time in the last two weeks
Hi All
This WebHR add-on for the HR module (NAV 5.0) that allows employees to have access to a database of HR department through the web interface for planning your vacation, day off, sick etc...
Some NAV changes
"Employee" Table - "Company Account" field added
"Cause of Absence" Table - "Color" field added
This WebHR add-on for the HR module (NAV 5.0) that allows employees to have access to a database of HR department through the web interface for planning your vacation, day off, sick etc...
Some NAV changes
"Employee" Table - "Company Account" field added
"Cause of Absence" Table - "Color" field added