General downloads
BC OnPrem functions with Cloud Scope extensions
- Author
- Szabolcs Gyorke
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 08/04/2023
- Size
- 1,47 MB
- Tags
- msdyn365bc
- Downloads
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- Downloads today 1
- 30 day downloads 9
- Total downloads 378
- Overall download rank #2016 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 20
- Total views 547
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- Downloaded 5 times in the last two weeks
Access to the local file system with cloud scope extensions on-prem - Business Central
The main idea is to mimic the FileManagement codeunit's local file functions without having to use the on-prem scope in our extension.
- Download the release or clone the repo and compile your own from the GitHub repo
- Create a directory for the web component - in the zip the default is BCCloudScopeOnPrem
- Run the install_service_to_IIS.ps1 in the web components folder
- Install the BC Extensions