General downloads
Handling of Base64-encoded information
- Author
- Hannes Holst
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 19/09/2017
- Size
- 13,32 KB
- Downloads
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- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 17
- Total downloads 1107
- Overall download rank #1285 / 2083
- Today page views 1
- 30 days page views 12
- Total views 2124
- Popularity
- Downloaded 7 times in the last two weeks
This Codeunit is my take on handling Base64 encoded-information in payloads of Webservices. The goal of the Codeunit is to be able to identify a Base64-string inside a variable which content is unknown and to store the content in a BLOB-field.
The Codeunit contains the following functions:
- isBase64(pVariant) -> This function is used to identify if a variable contains a Base64-encoded information
- TryToStoreVariantAsBLOB(pVariant, pTempBLOB) -> This function is stores the Base64-encoded information into a Blob-Field.
- RunExample() -> Have a look for this function if you want to understand the Codeunit
- LoadExampleData(UnknownValue1, UnknownValue2) -> This function is used to load example data for the "RunExample"-function