Matrix Heatmap Add-In
- Author
- Oleg Lobakov
- Date
- 27/02/2019
- Size
- 1,35 MB
- Tags
- nav2015, nav2016, nav2017, nav2018
- Downloads
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- Downloads today 1
- 30 day downloads 13
- Total downloads 509
- Overall download rank #1981 / 2083
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- Total views 1104
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- Downloaded 9 times in the last two weeks
Matrix Heatmap Javascript Control Add-in for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.
Since the control add-in is based on javascript, it will work with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client for Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web.
Open-source project:
Demo video: