General downloads
NAV2016 | My first extension | NAVUG Summit
- Author
- Marije_Brummel
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 17/06/2016
- First release
- 18/10/2015
- Size
- 9,27 KB
- Tags
- nav2016, extension
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 1
- 30 day downloads 13
- Total downloads 1867
- Overall download rank #549 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 5
- Total views 3845
- Popularity
- Downloaded 7 times in the last two weeks
This is an example of how to package delta files in an extension for NAV 2016. Simply look at the powershell script and work your way from top to bottom. If you need more guidance you can read the five steps on my blog.
See also this blog article.
Update 17/06/2016:
Microsoft decided in a Cumulative Update to have it mandatory to ship an upgrade codeunit with your extension. The download has been updated with that. I’ve also added an event subscriber as an example of how to use that.