Commercial Demos
Navision - integration demo
- Author
- Rapidi ApS (formerly Data Backbone Software A/S)
- Category
- Commercial Demos
- Date
- 11/10/2006
- Size
- 642,33 KB
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- 30 day downloads 2
- Total downloads 1294
- Overall download rank #1007 / 2083
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Data Backbone integration to provides the sales staff with up-to-date ERP information, such as customer data, products, and sales statistics including booked invoices. In turn the ERP staff automatically receives changes in customer data and orders when a sale is made without having to re-enter information.
The integration tool improves you and your staff's work routine to be more effective so that the right information gets to the right people at the right time.
Customer data that is added, changed, updated in either system is synchronized automatically. The system is easy to use and quick to configure. By sharing information between both systems, you need only to access one application to quickly answer customer inquiries.
The integration tool improves you and your staff's work routine to be more effective so that the right information gets to the right people at the right time.
Customer data that is added, changed, updated in either system is synchronized automatically. The system is easy to use and quick to configure. By sharing information between both systems, you need only to access one application to quickly answer customer inquiries.