Presentations of BC TechDays 2022
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- BC TechDays
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Presentations of the BC TechDays 2022 conference of 15 & 16 September 2022 in Antwerp (Belgium)
Thursday 15 September 2022
- Troubleshooting Business Central SaaS environments
(Kalman Beres, Nikolay Dobrev) - Cloud Migration
(Roman Sauber, Julia Lisovaya, Nikola Kukrika) - ALM Accelerator for Power Platform [CoE Starter Kit]
(Michael Megel) - Git under the hood
(Vjekoslav Babić) - Being more efficient with VS Code
(Tobias Fenster, David Feldhoff) - OAuth revealed
(Arend-Jan Kauffmann) - Business Central Performance Toolkit
(Bardur Knudsen, Henrik Frovst Madsen, Simon Albrechtsen) - Permissions revisited
(Darrick Joo, Jens Møller-Pedersen) - Coding 4 Performance
(Eric Wauters (waldo)) - Build collaborative apps for Business Central with Microsoft 365 and Teams
(Monica Ahuja, Sam van Lieshout, Ievgenii Korovin) - Customizing the developer experience
(Kalman Beres, Nikolay Dobrev) - Multi-Application Architecture
(Kamil Sáček, Jeremy Vyska)
Friday 16 September 2022
- Better together: Business Central and Dataverse
(Onat Buyukakkus, Djordje Čenić) - Empower citizen and pro AL developers to do more with Power Platform
(Lukasz Zoglowek, Enrico Cimitan, Ayrton Massey) - Improve the quality and readability of your code using tools from Microsoft and the BC community
(Andrzej Zwierzchowski) - Advanced topics in test automation
(Luc van Vugt, Nikola Kukrika) - Above and beyond - When BC is not enough
(Bert Verbeek, Tobias Fenster) - What's new in Business Central clients for AL developers
(Quentin Tresontani, Eigo Kawatani) - Universal Code – Target must be cloud
(Esben Nyhuus Kristoffersen, Michael Nielsen) - Optimizing SQL queries in Business Central
(Milan Milincevic) - Bad habits of AL Developers
(Vjekoslav Babić, Eric Wauters (waldo)) - Telemetry for Business Central from basics to advanced usage
(Krzysztof Bialowas, Kennie Pontoppidan) - Collaborating on Business Central's open-source platform
(Jesper Schulz-Wedde, Maria Zhelezova) - Adopting "Onboarding first" developer mindset
(Tomas Grubliauskas, Cody Hoover)
Recordings of these presentations are available on .