General downloads
- Author
- Nav Add-Ins
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 09/11/2017
- Size
- 483,65 KB
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 0
- Total downloads 612
- Overall download rank #1918 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 2
- Total views 938
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- Not yet downloaded in the last two weeks
This tool can change font family, size, padding and others. This tool will help you to change all settings at one time.
- Textbox
- CanGrow
- CanShrink
- BackgroundColor
- BorderColor
- BorderStyle
- BorderWidth
- Color
- Font
- FontFamily
- FontSize
- FontWeight
- TextDecoration
- Padding
- Size
- Height (only)
- TextAlign
- VerticalAlign
- Line
- LineColor
- LineStyle
- LineWidth
- Rectangle
- BackgroundColor
- BorderColor
- BorderStyle
- BorderWidth
- Size
- Height (only)
- Tablix
- Row
- Height (only)
- Row
- Page
- Margin
Save the settings as template.
You can also watch the demo at Youtube: