General downloads
Signature client Add-In (RTC / Webclient)
- Author
- Geert Rozendom
- Category
- General downloads
- Date
- 10/08/2018
- Size
- 36,49 KB
- Tags
- nav2015, nav2016, nav2017, nav2018
- Downloads
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- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 2
- Total downloads 1217
- Overall download rank #1108 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 11
- Total views 2772
- Popularity
- Downloaded 1 time in the last two weeks
Add-In for putting a signature in Dynamics NAV
Client add in works in RTC client and in Webclient or Phone / Tablet client.
Signature is saved as .png in temp folder, ready to be inserted in BLOB file or added to a report for further handling.
Works in Dynamics NAV 2015 and up.
Provided by Newminds, enjoy!