Brummel Dynamics Services

Brummel Dynamics Services is certified SQL Perform Partner.

Brummel Dynamics Services is certified SQL Perform Partner. For The Netherlands and Belgium we will install and implement the SQL Perform Tools.

SQL Perform focuses on supporting and assisting focuses on supporting and assisting users, partners and Microsoft in ensuring the optimisation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV on SQL Server. The Perform tools can be used for both maintenance and analyses of your NAV SQL database. Perform Maintenance will ensure your backend database is as efficient as possible. As a result of running for the first time Perform Maintenance will ensure that your database setup options will be correct! Immediately following that (and run on a regular basis), Perform Maintenance will remove unnecessary overheads. Perform Analysis provides a “capability bridge” between SQL Server and Dynamics NAV. Perform Analysis provides the answers showing provides the answers showing not only SQL Server IDs but also more meaningful and clearly described Dynamics NAV table IDs and names making it crystal clear where the focus should be. More information about SQL Perform at