Dynamics NAV
agilesWorkflow - A better implementation
- Author
- agiles Informationssysteme GmbH
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 10/12/2010
- Size
- 240,91 KB
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 9
- Total downloads 1309
- Overall download rank #995 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 1
- Total views 1720
- MD5 digest
- 8824A5228E1CE0EF4EFB91D46E2853B7
- Popularity
- Downloaded 3 times in the last two weeks
Help your employees through the implementation process and reduce overall training costs by using Certified for Microsoft Dynamics NAV agilesWorkflow.
agilesWorkflow guides the users through the organization's processes and their tasks, helping them to learn new procedures faster.
Find out how you can get:
. System integrity from day one
. Save overall implementation time and cost
. Reduce customization
. Better control of your entire business
agilesWorkflow guides the users through the organization's processes and their tasks, helping them to learn new procedures faster.
Find out how you can get:
. System integrity from day one
. Save overall implementation time and cost
. Reduce customization
. Better control of your entire business