Dynamics AX
Dynamics Software Service Management
- Author
- Dynamics Software
- Category
- Dynamics AX
- Date
- 30/10/2007
- Size
- 290,63 KB
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 5
- Total downloads 1308
- Overall download rank #997 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 1
- Total views 1320
- MD5 digest
- D0648FC43205AE7C4D926DBC6731F42B
- Popularity
- Downloaded 2 times in the last two weeks
Dynamics Software Service Management for Microsoft Dynamics™ AX supports your service organization featuring: complaints and warranty, repairs and periodic maintenance. At the same time you have direct access to all the data you need about the objects, resources, agreements and logistics.