Dynamics NAV
Handyman Mobile Field Service
- Author
- ePocket Solutions
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 20/08/2010
- Size
- 327,79 KB
- Downloads
Detailed statistics
- Downloads today 1
- 30 day downloads 12
- Total downloads 1163
- Overall download rank #1190 / 2083
- Today page views 0
- 30 days page views 1
- Total views 1851
- MD5 digest
- 783AFFAF12526657F26C149E76BE885A
- Popularity
- Downloaded 6 times in the last two weeks
ePocket Handyman
Mobile field service solution integrated with Microsoft Dynamics Navision Mobile solutions that treamlines field operations has become a competitive advantage .Handyman has more than 18 000 users of Europe's leading mobile field service system for service organizations. Handyman is integrated with all leading accounting systems and standard integrations with Microsoft Dynamics Navision.
Handyman is integrated with all leading accounting systems and standard integrations with Microsoft Dynamics Navision and Axapta.
Mobile field service solution integrated with Microsoft Dynamics Navision Mobile solutions that treamlines field operations has become a competitive advantage .Handyman has more than 18 000 users of Europe's leading mobile field service system for service organizations. Handyman is integrated with all leading accounting systems and standard integrations with Microsoft Dynamics Navision.
Handyman is integrated with all leading accounting systems and standard integrations with Microsoft Dynamics Navision and Axapta.