Dynamics NAV
Navutilus Object Squeeze v1.02
- Author
- Sigma.Group Ltd.
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 18/09/2009
- Size
- 57,25 KB
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- Total downloads 1177
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- E44979CC9CD8C956118B538DEAA9AED6
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Optimize (Squeeze) Navision objects. Make them impenetrable & small. Protect source code.
Navutilus Object Squeeze can be useful for:
- Protected demo-version creation
- Protection of your active database objects from unintentional or/and unauthorized modifications
- Protection of the crucial/complex objects against unreasonable modifications
- Know-how protection ( e.g. by "hiding" it between the functions of some codeunits)
We thoroughly tested the squeeze-technology with all recent Microsoft Dynamics NAV versions.
The majority of Navutilus objects are squeezed.
Version 1.02 new:
- Erases Globals' Names
- Erases Functions' Names
Technical Spec
Release: 1.02
Release date: 05-February-2010
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Version: 4.xx, 5.xx, 2009
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database: Native, MS SQL
Content Spec: 2 tables, 3 forms, 2 codeunits
Product Spec
- Squeezes any objects with Navision license permissions to read and modify
- Squeezes really large objects
- Erases Locals' Names
- Erases Globals' Names
- Erases Functions' Names
- Replaces Documentation trigger with text
- Replaces Source triggers with text
- Stores and Maintains Squeeze Sets of Objects
- Squeezed object types: Tables, Form, Reports, Dataports, XMLports, Codeunits
- Makes Objects smaller (by up to 50%)
Navutilus Object Squeeze can be useful for:
- Protected demo-version creation
- Protection of your active database objects from unintentional or/and unauthorized modifications
- Protection of the crucial/complex objects against unreasonable modifications
- Know-how protection ( e.g. by "hiding" it between the functions of some codeunits)
We thoroughly tested the squeeze-technology with all recent Microsoft Dynamics NAV versions.
The majority of Navutilus objects are squeezed.
Version 1.02 new:
- Erases Globals' Names
- Erases Functions' Names
Technical Spec
Release: 1.02
Release date: 05-February-2010
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Version: 4.xx, 5.xx, 2009
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database: Native, MS SQL
Content Spec: 2 tables, 3 forms, 2 codeunits
Product Spec
- Squeezes any objects with Navision license permissions to read and modify
- Squeezes really large objects
- Erases Locals' Names
- Erases Globals' Names
- Erases Functions' Names
- Replaces Documentation trigger with text
- Replaces Source triggers with text
- Stores and Maintains Squeeze Sets of Objects
- Squeezed object types: Tables, Form, Reports, Dataports, XMLports, Codeunits
- Makes Objects smaller (by up to 50%)