Dynamics NAV
- Author
- Softera Baltic UAB
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 21/02/2014
- Size
- 180,03 KB
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- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 14
- Total downloads 979
- Overall download rank #1452 / 2083
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- Total views 1003
- MD5 digest
- 461CB9FEA849CB71B03A0EEAEEF640DB
- Popularity
- Downloaded 5 times in the last two weeks
Soft4RealEstate is a flexible solution for small and medium commercial property management companies that own or manage retail, office and industrial properties.
Built on the modern Microsoft Dynamics platform, Soft4RealEstate allows you to enjoy: real-time data of all tenants in one place; integrated financial accounting; fast automated billing; efficient reporting; integrated document management; available in the cloud thus decreasing CAPEX. Quick start in just 5 days!
Built on the modern Microsoft Dynamics platform, Soft4RealEstate allows you to enjoy: real-time data of all tenants in one place; integrated financial accounting; fast automated billing; efficient reporting; integrated document management; available in the cloud thus decreasing CAPEX. Quick start in just 5 days!
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