Dynamics NAV
Product Modeling & Load System for Dynamics NAV
- Author
- Naveksa
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 05/08/2013
- Size
- 1,42 MB
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- Downloads today 0
- 30 day downloads 7
- Total downloads 1127
- Overall download rank #1256 / 2083
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- 30 days page views 2
- Total views 1178
- MD5 digest
- F65092F69B63E28BDFFB4DE4A8D916E8
- Popularity
- Downloaded 2 times in the last two weeks
Save time with interactive modeling of data received from the CAD system, and configure/model production data in the form of products, parts lists and routes with subsequent automatic data creation in NAV ...
NAVEKSA's Product Modeling & Load makes it possible to take on board CAD design into the configuration/modeling tool to form the wished items, production BOMs and process routes at all levels. Last all data are created automatically in Dynamics NAV ready for planning / production use ..
NAVEKSA's PML module is an extremely time saving tool in the overall process from design to production. It is possible to reduce the administrative effort to a small fraction of the time spent compared with conventional tools and procedures.
NAVEKSA's PML system ensures seamless connection between the CAD system and Dynamics NAV production system.
NAVEKSA's Product Modeling & Load makes it possible to take on board CAD design into the configuration/modeling tool to form the wished items, production BOMs and process routes at all levels. Last all data are created automatically in Dynamics NAV ready for planning / production use ..
NAVEKSA's PML module is an extremely time saving tool in the overall process from design to production. It is possible to reduce the administrative effort to a small fraction of the time spent compared with conventional tools and procedures.
NAVEKSA's PML system ensures seamless connection between the CAD system and Dynamics NAV production system.
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Can be delivered in English, German and Danish. Dynamics NAV 2013 and 2009 supportedInfo url
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