Dynamics NAV

Shop Floor Planning & Execution for Dynamics NAV

Dynamics NAV
First release
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NAVEKSA's Shop Floor Planning System is an effective planning system with interactive capacity planning, order prioritization and sequencing control of running, waiting and arriving at a work center or production resource.

Based on Dynamics NAV production orders, changes in the production schedules , are communicated immediately to NAVEKSA's Shop Floor Execution system.

The planning system can be combined with NETRONIC Visual Production Scheduler - an efficient Gantt chart scheduling solution.

NAVEKSA'S Shop Floor Execution System works as an integrated part of the Shop Floor Planning system, and is used to carry out production. The system is based on operator self-service, in the form of a visual overview of what is going on right now, and what needs to be worked on later.

The excution part runs on a limited user model and is .net based application fully integrated with the planning system.

The operator has all order information available on the screen, and the operator can start and end jobs, which then later forms the time spent at work. The Shop Floor System increases productivity very essential, as many manual processes are eliminated.

NAVEKSA Shop Floor System can be combined with NAVEKSA's Time/Attendance and Job-reporting system.

Pricing info

User based

Localisation info

Can be delivered in English, German and Danish. Available for Dynamics nav 2013, 2009, 5.0

Info url
