Dynamics NAV

CRM Dashboard

Dynamics NAV Addons
Dynamics NAV
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Get a 360 degree view of customers and prospects all from one screen.

. Increase Sales People Effectiveness
. Provide Better Customer Service
. Gain Improvements In Quoting, Ordering, Order Tracking, and Shipment Tracking
. Complete Visibility of Each Interaction and Conversion with Prospects, Customers, and Vendors

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV CRM Dashboard allows Salespeople and Customer Service to have all the information about a customer just one mouse click away:

. Users can view how many unpaid invoices, open orders and quotes are in the system for this customer and have the ability to drill down and see the actual documents.
. Notes can be viewed in summary or detail by using a notepad like feature to capture or copy / paste notes. Users can view all notes from all the contacts from a particular company at any time. The notes also hold the date, time and User ID of the author.
. View a complete Sales History by Item, complete with Quantity, Price and Ship Date.
. View any and all Interactions with a customer - this can include sales and purchase documents, e-mails, faxes, and any other interactions you are capturing through NAV.

By taking advantage of the CRM Dashboard, you can give Salespeople and Customer Service Reps the information and tools they need to spend more time selling and helping customers!

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