Excel Journal Import
- Author
- Dynamics NAV Addons
- Category
- Dynamics NAV
- Date
- 07/12/2017
- First release
- 25/06/2009
- Size
- 345,17 KB
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- BE144B70ECE32FEB76707FA20847F5C7
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Import any Excel worksheet into any NAV journal with just a click of a button (with dimensions!)
This seamless integration is great for payroll, fixed assets, and more
- Create, save, and manipulate journals using the great features of Excel
- Import any Excel worksheet into any Microsoft Dynamics NAV journal with just a click of a button
- Use smart logic to match up fields—fields in Excel can be in any order!
- Import any and all dimensions
- Optionally create dimensions on the fly (no more doing it over and over!)
- Auto-create document numbers just like normal journal functionality
- Import .csv or .txt files as well
Create a journal in Excel and automatically upload it to your Microsoft Dynamics NAV system with just the click of a button.
Lots of smart logic overcomes all the headaches of doing it manually; the system auto-maps your fields, creates document numbers, adds new dimensions, and finds/fixes data errors without starting over.
Common uses are cash receipts, payroll, fixed assets, recurring entries, and imports from external systems. Almost any standard type of file can be imported.
A real must-have for any accounting department.
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